Here you will find additional resources that you, your family and your church can use, largely grouped by topics from the book. I have also included material that you can use in a church or group situation. Please note that the views and opinions in these resources are not necessarily mine! But they can be used to stimulate thoughtful discussion.
Come back often to this page, as I will add more material from time to time, including feedback from readers that may be useful to others.
Resources (click to expand)
General resources
- A Time Magazine article on how much parents should get involved with their children's online activity
- Young People in Britain:The Attitudes and Experiences of 12 to 19 Year Olds - A research report from the National Centre for Social Research
- Study: Multitasking hinders youth social skills (CNN)
Resources for groups
Coming soon...
Internet History
- A video of author and visionary Arthur C Clark attempting to predict the future of technology in 1964
- 20 Game-Changing Events That Shaped the Internet
- An attempt to save all that data that was in formats that we no longer use
- E-mail is ruining my life! (BBC Article)
- High-Tech Solutions To Help Deter Driver Texting (NPR Audio)
- 10 Ways Twitter Will Change American Business (Time Specials Article)
Facebook and Social Networks
- Read Chapter 5 from the book - Facebook and the Social Network Revolution
- A report article - Benefits Of Online Interaction For Teens Outweigh Danger, Professor Says
- Wired for Distraction: Kids and Social Media (Time)
- Catholic Herald - The Pope is right about the dangers of Facebook
- The Dangers of Facebook - A blog posting from 'Dr Shock'
- Why Mark Zuckerberg was Time Magazine's 2010 Person of the Year
- Should Christians Be on Facebook? - R C Sproul Jr
- The Blessings of the New Media - Ligonier Ministries
- Facebook a 'tool' for cheating spouses, some say (CNN)
- Women Outnumber Men on Social-Networking Sites (WSJ)
- Hooking up with old crushes - Facebook Gives Birth to the Retrosexual (Time Magazine)
- Can social media detect the changes in public mood? (UK Study)
Online Pornography
- Porn's Stranglehold - Chritianity Today
- The Victims of Pornography - an article from
Chuck Colson
- Sex on the screen - Pornography and the church, from British Psychologist John Steele
- Web 2.0 And Porn : How Free Porn is Becoming Big Business
- Cyber sex ruined my life
- Pure Intamcy - and interesting article and a helpful website
Online tracking, identity theft, privacy
- How Google tracks the spread of the Flu around the world
- Data Mining: How Companies Now Know Everything About You.
Internet Games
- War games used by the US Army to lure recruits
- A report of a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study that looks at the health risks of gaming
- A look at video game addiction
- Article - Role-Playing Games and the Christian Right
- A look at video game addiction
Internet Gambling
- Gambling Information, Odds, and Fallacies (BYU Research with lots of links to follow)
- Britain's Gambling Addiction
- Gambling addiction in the US
- Internet gambling breeds addiction (BBC)
- Focus on the Family letter opposing legalized, Internet gambling